Zombie Survival Kit Reviewed Page-11

Zombie Survival Kit Reviewed

Page Number:11

Jeff Macolino: This is definitely the most, if you had to pick one tool in the entire box this is the thing.

Mr. Dog Poop: Between this and the knife, those are two things I would want. So yeah I would go in this nice pouch here and you would hang it off your belt like a water bottle. I'm pretty sure it would hold a beer. So I was going to show you my off-the-grid survival ax, my zombie survival ax which actually has a saw blade in it, which is a reciprocating saw blade and it's an ax and it has some different heads in it, and a hammer. My wife got this for me. It's got the seat belt cutter and the glass breaker. I haven't tested them but it's a heavy ax. I haven't actually chopped wood with it. Oh yeah, that's a good one. So this is off the grid tool survival ax and that was something my wife got me for Christmas. It was like 50 bucks so she definitely got ripped off but it's not a bad ax. It's not something you can throw in your car or in your trunk. Definitely chop down a tree in case somebody's chasing you and you want to chop down a tree and drop it on them or drop a tree across the road so they can't follow you.

Jeff Macolino: There you go. I'm wondering to test out, do you leave the little foam packaging when you want to test out the waterproof?

Mr. Dog Poop: No because then we won't see if it's waterproof. Do you have something you can submerge it in?

Jeff Macolino: Give me a minute.

Mr. Dog Poop: Now make sure you put all the things back because the thing that I found is this little shoelace on the end gets underneath here and you can't close the side. So make sure you get all four of those closed and submerge it in the water.

Jeff Macolino: And you know what I知 going to put um I知 going to put a piece of paper in there with it so it'll be real easy to tell and I will.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's a nice box. I mean it痴 got these.

Jeff Macolino: Give me 30 seconds and I値l be back with a clear plastic full of water and we will test this thing out.

Mr. Dog Poop: All right start the timer. Siri, start the timer for 30 seconds. We're waiting for Jeff Macolino to come back and we're going to find out if the case leaks. Man, I知 going to have to put an ad on craigslist for somebody to come to clean this up. This is a mess. Who let me do this? Whose idea was this to review the kit? Come on Jeff, you're running out of time. Alright. Oh, now it's not working. Oh, what if I catch this plastic bag on fire? Whoa! So this isn't the best tool but it's one of the most satisfying. It's like popping bubble wrap but you're just making sparks I知 going to warn you to be careful because these are actually burning my fingers. Did you get water?

Jeff Macolino: I underestimated how long it would take to fill this up. I left the damn box. All right let me get this situated.

Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff we're going to put the camera on you because I need to take a break because I have an emergency situation here. So as you're trying to submerge that and show whether or not it's waterproof, I need a refill.

Jeff Macolino: Oh, good emergency to have or not a good emergency. All right well as you can see hopefully barely my knee can hold it high enough this thing is underwater. I'm just going to leave it here for a little bit and I put a piece of paper inside of it so we'll have a real clear easy test of whether this thing is waterproof or not. All right it does float on top by the way.

Mr. Dog Poop: It isn't going to leak if it's floating.

Jeff Macolino: Well I submerged it. I held it down.