Zombie Survival Kit Reviewed Page-8

Zombie Survival Kit Reviewed

Page Number:8

Jeff Macolino: Well let's go with the most boring thing. I only see a few things left.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay.

Jeff Macolino: I'm going to say this but uh this might be one of those things that has like 100 yards of rope.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah it's a paracord bracelet. So just like the shoelaces. Oh, it also has a compass on it. Mine happens to be smashed. Probably can't see that but mine is actually smashed.

Jeff Macolino: Your compass is smashed?

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah my compass is smashed and it also has a blade on it. I don't know what it's for because I guess you could saw through the paracord maybe.

Jeff Macolino: That might be it.

Mr. Dog Poop: But it's probably like two feet of paracord, I don't know.

Jeff Macolino: I mean as long as the compass isn't busted, I’m having trouble getting it on my wrist but…

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, you have to have three hands. So now the problem is-- I got it on, how do I get it off? It comes off easy.

Jeff Macolino: Yeah, it comes off much easier.

Mr. Dog Poop: The compass just fell apart. Here's the northwest, southeast. So now this middle part intrigues me. I think we might have another fire starter here. Do you see this?

Jeff Macolino: Oh, I think you are right.

Mr. Dog Poop: I think that's a fire starter in the middle of the-- now I haven't seen any sparks yet.

Jeff Macolino: No but I’m definitely excited.

Mr. Dog Poop: I got some sparks. Let's see, can you see this?

Jeff Macolino: There we go, I just got one.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh it might be better than the other one. Well, maybe I didn't use that fire starter right?

Jeff Macolino: Yeah, I’m having a harder time with this one than the other one.

Mr. Dog Poop: This is nice. Oh, I might be able to start that stuff on fire.

Jeff Macolino: There we go. I got a little spark.

Mr. Dog Poop: You know maybe we weren't using that thing right. Maybe we needed this thing. So you told me to use this edge.

Jeff Macolino: Oh we were using the wrong edge of it, maybe.

Mr. Dog Poop: I don't know this isn't doing anything.

Jeff Macolino: See it's funny, you were getting good sparks on this thing I can barely do it but on this thing, I was getting pretty good sparks.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh yeah, this thing's almost catching my desk on fire.

Jeff Macolino: Yeah, you got some fireworks going there.

Mr. Dog Poop: Scared the out of me, I thought I blew up the battery. Yeah, I got some burn marks on my desk. That's nice. So that's a better fire starter than this thing at least in my opinion. Now let me try this thing.

Jeff Macolino: Yeah I want to use this edge on this one another one now. See I’m getting nothing.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh you're not getting anything? You gotta dig into it.

Jeff Macolino: Oh I just chipped the piece off.

Mr. Dog Poop: Do you see mine? I mean I’m going to light my hand on fire. Somebody's out to clean up this mess.

Jeff Macolino: There we go.

Mr. Dog Poop: So that star is a failure but that piece of whatever it is, the fire starter, I got a burn in my hand from it but this little piece here definitely works on both. Now, these both look like now. They look like they're all burned up they got they look like they went through a fire and then this one of course the compass is useless. At least on mine.

Jeff Macolino: Yeah, I’m curious how much life we just took out of them by testing them.

Mr. Dog Poop: I think you have to until it's gone because you're scraping, I don't know what this is. I mean next time I’m going to wrap the emergency blanket around my hand so that I don't get burned. All right so we also have what looks like a dog whistle.